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School / Educational Programs

For learners of all ages

Tideline Tours offers a range of education programs for people of all ages.  If you want to go beyond our traditional tour, this is the page for you! 

School Field Trips  | After School Programs  |   Summer Camp  |  Adult Continuing Ed Seminars

School Groups

School programs available for grades 1-12 with content for each grade specifically developed to meet SC state science standards.

Summer Camp

Every summer we partner with Shaka Surf School to bring you Surf and Nature Camp.  Spend the morning learning to catch waves and join us Tues and Thurs to explore the salt marsh!

After School Program

An 8 week program geared to getting children off technology and into the mud!  Follow the link to learn more about weekly topics.

Boating 101 – For Women!

Join us to learn about everything from trailering to the weather, and get ready for a fun time on the water!