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Boating 101

A class for women by women!

We are excited to offer a boating class – for women!

Have you ever:

  • Had the engine sputter out and left you stranded, running low on water and snacks? (or margs,  we get it!)
  • Thought it would be great to jump in the drivers seat
  • Been hesitant to help when launching the boat
  • wanted to grow more confident in boating in general to go out solo or with the kiddos?

Maybe you aren’t looking for new skills (because let’s face it, sometimes is AWESOME to have someone else do the planning/driving etc and be along for the ride!) but want to enjoy time on the water with other outdoors loving ladies.

If any of the above resonates, this is the perfect class for you! Join us to learn how to drive a boat and prepare for a lifetime of fun on the water.

Fall classes 2024: Oct 14 – Nov 18

5:30 – 6:30 PM    |    Mondays    |    Choose the topics that interest you or join for the full session!



  • Oct 14: Trip planning – A successful boat trips starts way before you hit the water.  Today we learn the basics of tides and currents and how to use this knowledge to your advantage when deciding where and when to launch.  The weather around Charleston is notorious for last minute changes, so we will discuss this as well.


  • Oct 21: Trailering and boat launching – Some days it seems like half the boats at the ramp are accompanied by frustrated, confused, or annoyed people!  Simple communication, knowing what to expect, and a heave dose of patience can eliminate most issues when it comes to getting boats in and out of the water.


  • Oct 28: Basic Maintenance – We’ve all been there: cruising down a creek, enjoying a picture perfect day when disaster strikes and the engine cuts out.  Fortunately most issues are simple fixes.  Today we go over some of the most common reasons for a breakdown and how to get back up and running. Say goodbye to that Sea Tow membership! (Maybe don’t go quite that far, but you know what we mean.)


  • Nov 4: Safety on the Water – A big part of safety is having a basic understanding of all of the above, especially knowing where not to go, what to do in case of an emergency, and what types of safety equipment to keep on board. We will discuss some common boating mistakes, logistics of what do to for minor injuries, and how to handle a serious emergency. **Please note, this session is not intended to be a first aid class and that is not the focus of the day.  We strongly recommend taking a Red Cross first aid/CPR class, especially if you plan to boat in more remote areas**


  • Nov 11: On the water – Today will cover a wide variety of topics including navigation on the water, how to anchor, how to be an environmentally conscious boater, and general boating etiquette
  • Nov 18: Knots – Learn a few of the most commonly used knots on boats. Need to readjust a fender? Tie up to the dock? Make a bridle out of spare line for the tube? We’ve got you covered!


**These classes are intended to be a well rounded intro to boating.  If you have a group and would like a private class, please see the schedule HERE reach out and we will be happy to arrange for the topic of your choosing!  We a private half day crash course spanning multiple topics.  We love creating the perfect custom event for groups!**

Time and Cost?

Each session will last ~1hr, although some days may be longer.  

Starting at $30/class

  • We meet on Tuesday evenings on Folly Beach.  If you are interesting in joining but that day doesn’t work for you, please let us know a better time.  
  • Please direct questions to
  • Payment is required up front
  • Private classes available starting at $775 for up to 3 people, 5 hrs

These classes will be led by Captain Weatherly Meadors and hopefully a few guest instructors. Capt. Weatherly grew up on James Island and has been driving boats since she was old enough to see over the steering wheel.  She got a SCDNR boat license at the age of 12, took off into the wild on a 13′ Boston Whaler (before the days of cell phones, gasp!), and hasn’t turned back since.  She has worked into the ecotour industry since 2015 and has spent countless hours in the estuaries of Charleston and surrounding areas. During this time she’s operated everything from that whaler to kayaks to a 42′ catamaran. She has made several blue water crossings via sailboat to the Bahamas and US Virgin Islands and gets as sea sick as the next person! She currently holds a USCG 50 ton Masters license with a sailing endorsement.

a woman standing next to a body of water